Hostdisk Metrics


Metrics reported by Hostdisk Manager use following labels:

nodeName of the node disk is present on. Is only present if disk is connected to monitored node.
disk_namePath of the device. Is only present if disk is connected to monitored node.
uuidUUID of the filesystem disk is formatted to. Is only present if device is formatted.
filesystemName of the filesystem disk is formatted to. Is only present if device is formatted.


Following metrics are exported by Hostdisk Manager for each hostdisk:

hostdisk_csi_disk_space_total_bytesTotal space on the disk.
hostdisk_csi_disk_space_used_bytesUsed space on the disk (is only available for mounted disks, so those that are used by some pod).
hostdisk_csi_disk_space_available_bytesTotal available size of the disk (is only available for mounted disks, so those that are used by some pod).
hostdisk_csi_disk_status_readyIndicates whether the disk is ready to be used (1 for ready, 0 for not ready).
hostdisk_csi_disk_status_formattedIndicates whether the disk is formatted (1 for formatted, 0 for not formatted).
hostdisk_csi_disk_present_on_nodeIndicates whether the disk is present on the node (1 for present, 0 for not present).
hostdisk_csi_disk_status_smartSMART status of the disk (–1 for unknown, 0 for failing, 1 for passing).
hostdisk_csi_disk_time_processing_secondsHistogram of disk processing duration in seconds.
hostdisk_csi_disk_errors_totalTotal number of reconciliation errors encountered by the disk.