Metric exporters

SaunaFS Metrics


Metrics reported by exporters deployed via SaunaFS Operator use following labels:

cluster_namespaceSaunaFS Cluster's namespace. Set for all metrics related to SaunaFS Components.
cluster_nameSaunaFS Cluster's name. Set for all metrics related to SaunaFS Components.
volume_nameSaunaFS Chunk/Metadata volume name. Set for all Chunk/Metadata volume metrics.
volume_evictingWhether SaunaFS Chunk volume is marked for eviction (removal). Set for SaunaFS Chunk Volume metrics.
volume_damagedWhether SaunaFS Chunk volume is damaged. Set for SaunaFS Chunk Volume metrics.


SaunaFS Cluster

Following metrics are exported by SaunaFS Operator for each SaunaFS Cluster:

saunafs_operator_cluster_reconciliation_timingsHistogram of reconciliation timings for a given cluster in seconds.
saunafs_operator_cluster_metadataservers_expectedCount of expected deployed Metadata Servers.
saunafs_operator_cluster_metadataservers_currentCount of currently deployed Metadata Servers.
saunafs_operator_cluster_chunkservers_expectedCount of expected deployed Chunk Servers.
saunafs_operator_cluster_chunkservers_currentCount of currently deployed Chunk Servers.

SaunaFS Metadata Volume

Following metrics are exported by Metadata Server Metrics Exporter for it's SaunaFS Metadata Volume:

saunafs_metadata_volume_metadata_versionVersion of metadata stored on the volume.
saunafs_metadata_volume_statusStatus of the server running with the volume. Values: 1 = Master; 2 = Connected Shadow; 3 = Disconnected Shadow.

Following metrics are exported by Metadata Server Metrics Exporter for it's SaunaFS Metadata Volume when corresponding metadata server is a leader:

saunafs_cluster_memory_usage_bytesMemory usage.
saunafs_cluster_space_total_bytesTotal space in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_space_available_bytesAvailable space in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_space_trash_bytesSpace in the cluster used by trash.
saunafs_cluster_space_reserved_bytesReserved space in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_filesystem_objects_totalCount of filesystem objects in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_files_totalCount of files in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_files_reserved_totalCount of reserved files in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_files_trash_totalCount of trashed files in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_dirs_totalCount of directories in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_chunks_totalCount of chunks in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_chunks_copiesCount of chunk copies in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_chunks_safe_totalCount of safe chunks in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_chunks_endangered_totalCount of endangered chunks in the cluster.
saunafs_cluster_chunks_lost_totalCount of lost chunks in the cluster.

SaunaFS Chunk Volume

Following metrics are exported by Chunk Server Metrics Exporter for it's SaunaFS Chunk Volumes:

saunafs_chunk_volume_chunks_totalCount of chunks stored on the volume.
saunafs_chunk_volume_read_bytesBytes read in the last minute. Note that this value is re-calculated only once every minute.
saunafs_chunk_volume_written_bytesBytes written in the last minute. Note that this value is re-calculated only once every minute.
saunafs_chunk_volume_read_bytes_per_secondBytes read per second (when reading) in the last minute. Note that this value is re-calculated only once every minute.
saunafs_chunk_volume_written_bytes_per_secondBytes written per second (when writing) in the last minute. Note that this value is re-calculated only once every minute.
saunafs_chunk_volume_operations_read_totalCount of read operations in the last minute. Note that this value is re-calculated only once every minute.
saunafs_chunk_volume_operations_write_totalCount of write operations in the last minute. Note that this value is re-calculated only once every minute.
saunafs_chunk_volume_space_used_bytesUsed space on the volume.
saunafs_chunk_volume_space_total_bytesTotal space on the volume.

Elector Metrics

Elector exports following metrics:

saunafs_elector_termIncrementing number used to coordinate leader elections and maintain consistency among distributed nodes.
saunafs_elector_metadata_versionSaunaFS metadata version observed by elector. Is updated only on election.
saunafs_elector_roleCurrent elector role. 0 for follower, 1 for candidate, 2 for leader, 3 for custodian.