
Helm registry

Authorize to Sarkan's OCI registry using Helm:

helm registry login ''


  1. Generate a new values.yml file from the defaults:

    helm show values oci:// \
        --version "<VERSION>" > values.yml
  2. Edit the values.yml and configure it to match your cluster and requirements. You will need to configure the registry using valid credentials.

  3. Deploy to the Kubernetes cluster:

    helm install "saunafs-csi" \
        oci:// --version "<VERSION>" \
        --create-namespace -n "saunafs-csi" \
        -f ./values.yml
  4. Use following commands to make sure the installation was successful:

    kubectl --namespace saunafs-csi rollout status deployment saunafs-csi-controller
    kubectl --namespace saunafs-csi rollout status daemonset saunafs-csi-node


  1. Check for new configuration options since the last upgrade:

    helm show values oci:// --version "<VERSION>"
  2. Use following command to upgrade the driver:

    helm upgrade "saunafs-csi" \
        oci:// --version "<VERSION>" \
        -n "saunafs-csi" \
        -f ./values.yml